
           聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)於2013年6月8日至6月9日舉辦CDM Workshop,該Workshop主要討論應如何修訂CDM的方法與程序以更符合CDM通過迄今之實際運作和國際發展趨勢,而自該Workshop的討論中,我們可以看到CDM目前關注的重點及可能的發展方向。

Summary of the Workshop on the review of the modalities and procedures of the clean development mechanism held in Bonn, Germany from the 8-9th of June 2013.
Summary provided by RINGO member, ITRI

Advisor of ITRI, Prof. Chien-Te Fan (National Tsing Hua University)
Researcher of ITRI, Yu-Tsnag Lu
Compiled by Ms. Wei-Chen Tsai, Research Assistant of National Tsing Hua University

1.        Background
Pursuant to decision 3/CMP.1, the first review of the modalities and procedures for the clean development mechanism (CDM), as set out in the annex to decision 3/CMP.1, shall be carried out by the CMP at its ninth session.
In this context, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) at its eighth session had made the following decision related to modalities and procedure for CDM[1]
l   Reiterated that the first review to be done by CMP 9
l   Invited submissions from Parties and observers
l   Requested the CDM Executive Board to submit recommendations, based on EB, secretariat and stakeholder experience
l   Mandated the current workshop to facilitate progress on the review
l   Requested SBI 39 to submit recommendations to CMP 9 on possible changes to the CDM modalities and procedures, with a view to CMP 9 adopting a decision on this matter at that session
The Workshop on the review of the modalities and procedures of the clean development mechanism was held in Wissenschaftszentrum in Bonn, Germany from 8th and 9th June 2013. And the workshop was chaired by Mr. Giza Martins (Angola) and Ms. Emi Hijino (Sweden).
The workshop was attended by a total of 137 participants, including 24 participants from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. Of the registered Party representatives: 25 per cent were from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention and 75 per cent were from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention; 83 per cent were men and 17 per cent were women.
The workshop consisted of plenary panel discussions and break-out sessions covering the inputs made by the Board in its recommendations[2], and in the submissions from Parties and admitted observer organizations[3]. More detailed discussion and the conclusion of the workshop will be discussed in the next two chapters.

2.        Plenary panel discussion and break-out session
l   Panel discussions
Two panel discussions were held during the workshop- “Looking to the future, building on the past” and “Innovating the CDM”. The opening panel provided an opportunity for workshop participants to consider the achievements of the CDM and how these achievements can be built upon in the future, together with opportunities and challenges arising from the ongoing discussions on the international climate regime; the second panel gave an opportunity to discuss recent developments in the CDM and how further innovations could be introduced.
In the panel discussion, participants emphasized CDM’s successful work in the past ten years, including channeled investment into developing countries, sophistication of the MRV system, and raised the awareness of business decision makers concerning investment opportunity that reduce greenhouse gas emission etc. However, given the need to scale up mitigation activities, the current lack of demand for certified emission reductions (CERs) and the fact that many alternatives to the CDM are emerging, more profound change and assurance of its continued growth are needed, which necessitate the changes in the CDM modalities and procedures.
l   Discussion during break-out session
The break-out sessions were structured according to issues relating to governance, accreditation, the project cycle and methodologies. Please refer to the following table 1 for main discussion points in these three topics.

Table 1: Main discussion points in break-out session
Ø  Simplifying the rules and setting out principles
-          Current standards for accreditation of operational entities and other rules are set in Appendix A to 3/CMP.1 and in the body of it, and there is idea raised to delete the appendix and keep only principles.
Ø  Significant deficiencies
-          Since current M&P (paragraphs 22 to 24 of M&P) provides for cancellation of issued CERs (or other KP units) where significant deficiencies are identified in validation, verification or certification reports, the Board was requested to discuss procedure or approaches to deal with this issue.
Ø  Promotion of regional distribution of DOEs
-          Since DOEs are operating globally with local offices, there should not be regulatory supervision used to distort what is a global market.
Ø  Alignment of accreditation across CDM and JI
-          The issue was raised since alignment would provide potential for reducing transaction cost.
Ø  Contractual relationship with DOEs
-          Discussion about removing the requirement that DOE has to have a contractual relationship with the project participant.
Project cycle and methodologies
Ø  Length of crediting period
-          Discussion about how to make crediting period shorter or more flexible, and also take into account the certainty of investment and additionality.
Ø  Materiality
-          Discuss the concept of materiality and its application.
Ø  Stakeholder consultation/Communications with the Board
-          The related concerns about stakeholder consultation and communication with the Board. For example, the principle of it, or how to improve and validate.  
Ø  Sustainable development co-benefits
-          Raised the discussion on evaluating the sustainable development co-benefits, for example, establishing the MRV system or the international sustainable development criteria. 
Ø  Forestry
-          Discussed about the forestry under the CDM, for example, the issuance of permanent CERs, or flexibility for timing of verification.
Ø  Programme of activities
-          Raised the question of setting principles or separate sector for PoA, where there is no reference is this issue currently.
Ø  Standardized baselines
-          The issue was raise since there no reference to this concept now, and therefore the discussion is mainly about incorporate section on standardizes baselines, and also update regularly.
Ø   Additionality
-          Discussed the means to demonstrate additionality.
Ø   Role of the Board
-          The supervisory role of the Board should be clarified and the relationship between it and its support structure should be better defined.
Ø   Membership of the Board
-          Discussed the nomination procedure, members’ capacity, and other requirement for the membership.
Ø   Host Party DNA approval and oversight
-          The oversight system, the withdrawal of letter of approval and the required minimum content of letter of approval were discussed.
Ø   Appeals process
-          The appeals process against the Board’s decision was raised, but this issue is currently under SBI discussions.

3.        Conclusion
The secretariat took notes of the Workshop on the review of the modalities and procedures of the clean development mechanism, and published the Report on the workshop on the review of the modalities and procedures of the clean development mechanism[4] as the summary of the workshop. The main ideas raised during the workshop will be outlined in the following table, however, it should be noted that the inclusion of the ideas outlined here does not imply any agreement and it required more time for discussion.

Table 2: Main ideas raised during the workshop
Ø  Simplifying the rules and setting out principles
-              Simplifying the rules for accrediting operational entities by setting out principles in the main body of the CDM modalities and procedures, and consequently deleting appendix A.
Ø  Significant deficiencies
-              Elaborating alternative principles of Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) liability to compensate the issuance of CERs resulting from significant deficiencies in validation, verification and certification reports, including by: limiting the scope of liability for DOEs to a quantifiable level; differentiating liability depending on the cause of the excess issuance (e.g. fraud, professional negligence); and looking for further solutions for managing the risk of issuance of excess CERs through reserve pools, deductions of CERs from later issuances from the relevant project activity or levying an amount at issuance akin to a share of proceeds.
Ø  Promotion of regional distribution of DOEs
-              Removing the reference in the CDM modalities and procedures to the regional distribution of DOEs
Ø  Alignment of accreditation across CDM and JI
-              Aligning or coordinating the CDM accreditation system with the rules on accreditation in joint implementation (JI).
Ø  Contractual relationship with DOEs
-              Removing the requirement for DOEs to have a direct contractual relationship with the project participants
Project cycle and methodologies
Ø  Length of crediting period
-              Changing the current rules on the length of the crediting period based on further analysis as to whether a flexible approach to determining crediting periods could be introduced (based on factors such as technology, project type and barriers).
Ø  Materiality
-              No related ideas were raised.
Ø  Stakeholder consultation/Communications with the Board
-              Elaborating local stakeholder consultation rules.
Ø  Sustainable development co-benefits
-              Introducing requirements for reporting and assessing sustainable development co-benefits of CDM project activities set out in project design documents.
-              Incorporating the principle of direct communication between stakeholders and the Board and its support structure.
Ø  Forestry
-              Address the reasons for the small proportion of A/R project activities among all CDM project activities, including the issue of non-permanence of A/R CERs.
-              Improve the current rules on monitoring for A/R project activities and introduce flexibility in the timing of verification.
Ø  Programme of activities
-              To include a separate section on PoAs in the CDM modalities and procedures, elaborating its unique features and setting out principles, such as the role of the coordinating and managing entities, how to treat monitoring requirements and monitoring periods, and processes for the inclusion of component project activities (CPAs).
Ø  Standardized baselines
-              Including provisions on standardized baselines within the CDM modalities and procedures, and it should be mandatory for potential project activities once the standardized baseline has been developed for the country and sector to which the potential project activity belongs.
-              Also noted issues as how to manage updating of standardized baselines.
Ø   Additionality
-              Incorporating into the CDM modalities and procedures the work of the Board on additionality, including the elaboration of positive lists, tools for demonstrating additionality, common practice, the “first of its kind” approach and technology penetration rates.
Ø   Role of the Board
-              Further clarify the strategic and policy-setting nature of the Board’s supervisory role, also the relationship between the Board and its support structure.
Ø   Membership of the Board
-              Include provisions on the skills and expertise needed in the membership of the Board, and Make the process for the nomination of Board members more transparent.
-              Make the process for the nomination of Board members more transparent , and no distinction between members and alternate members
-              Any consideration of changes to provisions regarding nomination, membership, term and the decision-making of the Board should be considered in conjunction with their implications for other matters, such as the quorum of the Board, voting rules and provisions for triggering requests for review of requests for registration and issuance.
Ø   Host Party DNA approval and oversight
-              Include a definition of host Party approval and of the minimum content of letters of approval and guidance regarding how the Board should process the withdrawal of a letter of approval, taking into account the certainty that investors require.
-              Elaborate the role of DNAs prior to project registration and during project implementation, and include provisions requiring DNAs to provide information relevant to project activities.
Ø   Appeals process
-              The issue of an appeals mechanism against decisions of the Board was noted but was not considered because it is currently being considered under another SBI agenda item.

Even though there were many ideas raised and included in the summary report of the workshop, it should be noted that there are still some ideas which has not included in the summary report as a result of insufficient discussion time, or uncertainty of future, including uncertainty of sustainable development and carbon reduction.
There are some reasons contribute to the uncertainty. Firstly, it can be inferred that the negotiation process of other market mechanism and new global agreement will play a significant in the discussion of CDM. As discussed in New Zealand’ submission[5], it suggested that it will be important to consider the broader context for carbon market (where the context includes of emerging market, framework on various approaches, and new market mechanism along with new global agreement) when discussing changes to modalities and procedures for the CDM. Norway also expects the CDM to coexist with the New Market Mechanism[6].
Secondly, economic development also increases the uncertainty about the future, since developed countries are unwilling to make commitment to guarantee financial support for developing countries as a result of low economic development rate domestically.
In conclusion, since CDM is being considered in the broader context of carbon market where everything seems to be indefinite, there will be more time needed for concrete agreement in changes to modalities and procedures for the CDM.

[1] Decision 5/CMP.8, available at: (Last visited: 2013/06/20)
[2] FCCC/SBI/2013/INF.1, available at (Last visited: 2013/06/20)
[3] FCCC/SBI/2013/MISC.1, and FCCC/SBI/2013/MISC.1/Add.1 available at: and (Last visited:2013/06/20)

[4] Available at: (Last visited: 2013/06/19)
[5] Available at: , page 9, paragraph 2. (Last visited: 2013/06/20)
[6] Available at: , page11, paragraph 3. (Last visited: 2013/06/20)


